Same Date, New Sphereby Doc SearlsFriday, September 11, 2009 at 07:12 PM EDTOn 9/11/2001 I had already been blogging for nearly two years. It’s interesting to see what I wrote this day, back then. Since my blog then was not on local time, my first four posts from the day before. My first actual post on 9/11 was this one. A declaration of peace was my second post. Longer and more thoughtful posts came on 9/12, 9/13, 9/14, 9/16 and so on. Kinda sad to see how many links now go nowhere, or to blogs that have since been abandoned. My blogroll on the right side of those pages has a lot of rot in it too. The attack on the World Trade Center was followed by wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that have not ended. In Iraq, which has a working government and a degree of peace, an agreeable end can be imagined. Less so in Afghanistan, which George Will, America’s top conservative columnist, thinks we should now abandon. Terrorists have not attacked the U.S. directly again. At least not that blatantly, or to the same great effect. This article originally appeared on Doc Searls Weblog. |