Hey, Rethugs! Nominate Newt Already, Willya?

Tuesday, March 06, 2007 at 04:44 AM

Let's have us a clear-cut win come 2008, and what better way than for the Rethuglican Party to nominate a redneck version of Anne Coulter, eh?......

Yep, old Newt Gingrich can sure please the red-state rednecks with his mouth or what?

(Newt Gingrich, speaking at CPAC) blamed the residents of New Orleans' 9th Ward for a "failure of citizenship," by being "so uneducated and so unprepared, they literally couldn't get out of the way of a hurricane."

And he called for a "deep investigation" into this "failure of citizenship."

Here's the full quote:

"How can you have the mess we have in New Orleans, and not have had deep investigations of the federal government, the state government, the city government, and the failure of citizenship in the Ninth Ward, where 22,000 people were so uneducated and so unprepared, they literally couldn't get out of the way of a hurricane."

There ya go, Newt! That's the ticket! McCain's a real wimp by comparison! Such lovely racist vitriol! And what better thing to use to represent all those losers who still believe the GOP means God's Only Party???

Honestly, we're talking about the loser who fabricated the Contract Hit On America, remember? Allowing big money, the oil companies and K-street to turn America into what we have today? Now, he's up on his racist high horse, which is just fine! That will, yes, appeal to the closet Klansmen, of course, the right-to-lifers, all those losers in the 25-30 percent category of the polls who still insist that the Easter bunny still is real, right?

Yeppers, and we Dems would win by a landslide of landslides. Hurry up, GOP! Get with it! Nominate Newt, please!!!