The Media and Bush's Warrantless Spying Program

Saturday, December 24, 2005 at 09:21 AM

Check out this Media Matters story debunking 12 myths about Bush's warrantless spying program.

If only a few of the mainstream media reporters would check it out.  How many times have you seen a news show do a lead-in promising that their reporter really asked Bush, Cheney or another one of "them" the hard questions about the warrantless spying program?  How many times has the actual interview clip included a hard question, or a follow-up to the politician's nonanswer?

On one of the CNN shows this morning, they did a lead-in promising a Cheney answer to why they didn't bother to get retroactive court approval for their spying efforts.  Did we then get to hear Cheney answer that?  Would I be asking the question if we had?

In answer to a very vague question on the subject, Cheney gave a his usual nonanswer about how the program is to protect us, but don't worry, we review it periodically to make sure it's working.

Okay, Cheney wants to duck the question.  He probably thinks that's his job.  But you're a reporter.  Not letting him duck it is supposed to be YOUR job.  So the obvious follow-up is, "But Mr. Cheney, the same people who do the spying, who ordered the spying, are the ones doing the reviewing.  You could do all the protecting you want, and stay within the Constitution, simply by going to the court AFTER THE FACT; why can't you do that simple thing and keep us both protected and secure against unreasonable searches and seizures?

Instead of that, we got her asking Cheney is he wasn't bothered by the fact that future presidents, in whom Cheney may not have the same trust he has in Bush, would have the same power.

If it didn't happen so often, it would be unbelievable.  Never mind that you're violating the Constitution, and, according to your own story, you're violating it for no reason at all.  No, the important thing is, how concerned are you that other presidents may also have this power.

Way to really nail him down, Ms. Reporter.  Good job.