Homeland Security has time for even more nonsense
By Lee Russ
Monday, April 10, 2006 at 07:41 AM
Not only do our undermanned homeland security folks somehow still find time to confiscate packages of prescription medicine ordered from abroad by American citizens desperate to find drugs they can afford, but they apparently have time to harass a teacher's aide trying to direct traffic at his school.
What followed is in dispute, but it ended with Pickett in handcuffs, in front of students and co-workers, for some 30 minutes, before being released. Pickett and witnesses at the school say that the Homeland Security agents were simply asked to move and became belligerent. One witness, a coach at the school is quoted as saying "Mr. Pickett asked the guy blocking the bus loading zone to move, and the guy told him he would move his car when he got ready to move it."
DHS says that Pickett was antagonizing the officers, who had pulled over to look at a map. Nevertheless, DHS called the television station to say that "it considers all allegations seriously and the matter has been referred to a neutral investigative entity."
You know, even without deciding who you believe, wouldn't you think that DHS agents would be able to handle a confrontation like this without escalating it? Wouldn't you think that the agents themselves would prefer to spend their time on something a little closer to the name of their agency, Homeland security?
And if Pickett's version is true.....well, I don't feel any more secure.