Republican calls Republican Looney Tunes--It's Progress Of Sorts
By Lee Russ
Monday, July 17, 2006 at 03:52 PM
Ahh, what part of reason, and of decency, is killed,When such a monster they toil and toil to build.
For some reasons, Republicans are rarely bothered by their party's absurd claims of treason, sympathizing with terrorists, and the rest of the Rovian trash heap called politics in the 21st century. When the absurd smears are directed at Democrats, that is.
In a Massachusetts Republican primary for that state's 1st Congressional District, candidate Miriam Masullo has sent a letter to the District's Republican leaders linking her opponent, Scott MacLean, to what she calls the support of Church of Christ (ICC) leaders for terrorists and suicide bombers. The link? MacLean is a retired minister in the United Church of Christ. The evidence that UCC leaders support terrorists and suicide bombers? Well...apparently some UCC leaders call on Israel to tear down its wall of separation between Israel and the Palestinians.All of which has, according to the Boston Globe, led to the following response from a MacLean supporter:
Christopher Healy, a Republican leader who put MacLean's name in nomination at the party's convention in May, called Masullo's accusations "delusional ramblings.""All that stuff is just looney tunes. It's not even worth commenting on," he said.
Delusional. Rambling. Looney Tunes. That's about right. And it goes for Rove, Cheney, DeLay, Boehner, Frist, Sensenbrenner, ad nauseum.
How come they can't see that when the mud goes in the other direction?
[editor's note, by Lee Russ]As you can tell from the first comment, I blew the location of this little spat: it's taking place in Conn. not Mass. My error.