GOPUSA lets a little truth slip
By Lee Russ
Tuesday, August 29, 2006 at 05:09 PM
Even the most dedicated propagandist slips up and lets a little truth slip every once and a while. Take GOPUSA:
In the process of listing "Ten Things Republicans Must Do To Keep The Religious Vote," author Deal W. Hudson came up with this as his number one:
1. Consistently Defend Life: President Bush's decision to allow Plan B, the morning-after pill, to be sold in the United States contradicts his consistent defense of the culture of life. Conversely, we recently witnessed his veto of legislation to fund further research on fetal stem cells!
Did you catch it? "President Bush's decision to allow Plan B, the morning-after pill, to be sold in the United States."
Last I heard, George W. was still not the head of the FDA, and the decision to allow or not allow the sale of a new drug was not supposed to be his. Nice of the GOP folks to acknowledge what we all know: government agencies now do only what the Texas Weiner King says they should do.