A bad day at "GOP rock"
By Lee Russ
Wednesday, September 06, 2006 at 05:26 PM
Things just haven't been the same for the national Republicans since the slew of indictments, investigations, revelations, and bad war news. For example, I doubt that Ken Mehlman can read this day's worth of headlines without feeling the need for just a few drinks, or some Pepto.
Intel plans to cut 10,500 jobsUS layoff announcements surged in August
Stay alert to signs that your job may be on its way out
Fading US economy should curb interest rates: CIBC
US disapproval of Bush nearing European levels
Bush Acknowledges Secret CIA Prisons
7 Labour MPs quit Blair government; demand PM set date for stepping down
Lobbying Probe Looks at Payments To DeLay's Wife
Indiana, Republican Bastion, May Favor Democrats in House Races
Republican candidates lash out at GOP tactics
Republicans face life in the twilight zone
Congressional Republicans In "Pure Political Mode"