Swift Boat Vets for "no oil shortage?"

Sunday, September 10, 2006 at 05:14 PM

I'm sure you recognize the name Jim Corsi from his slimy association with the Swift Boat Vets' smear of John Kerry, and maybe from WTW pieces examining his character. (See here for example)

You probably didn't realize that Jim Corsi was a Renaissance Man, but wow!

Take a look at all the neat subjects this wizard has authored or co-authored in the last few years:

With Jim Gilchrist, "Minutemen: The Battle to Secure America's Borders" with Foreword by Congressman Tom Tancredo, World Ahead Publishing; 1st edition (Hardcover), July 25, 2006, ISBN 0977898415.

With John Kenneth Blackwell, "Rebuilding America: A Prescription for Creating Strong Families, Building the Wealth of Working People, and Ending Welfare," WND Books, May 4, 2006 (Hardcover) ISBN 1581825013.

With Craig R. Smith, "Black Gold Stranglehold," WND Books, October 14, 2005, ISBN 1581824890.

"Atomic Iran: How the Terrorist Regime Bought The Bomb and American Politicians", WND Books, April 2005. ISBN 1581824580.

With John E. O'Neill and Jeff Riggenbach, "Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry," Regnery Publishing, August 2004. ISBN 0895260174.

If you haven't heard about "Black Gold Stranglehold," you're in for a treat; it's not easy to make this stuff up.

Here's a description of that gem, from right winger Wes Vernon:

The "running out of oil" myth, and the inside story on illegal immigration
There is plenty of oil, say the authors of Black Gold Stranglehold: The Myth of Scarcity and The Politics of Oil. Authors Craig Smith and Jerome Corsi debunk the so-called "scientific study" that led to U.S. policies based on the prediction that the U.S. would soon exhaust its oil reserves. Since that seventies "study" reported that our oil would be gone by 2003, this book had already been partially vindicated by the time it went to print in late 2005.

The authors, document their case that the U.S. is currently sitting on "more proven petroleum reserves than ever before despite the increasing rate at which we are consuming petroleum products."

Smith and Corsi undertake a massive untangling project. They convincingly show that we are not anywhere near "running out of oil." But there is more. It is a case of one myth relying on an even bigger myth: i.e., where oil came from in the first place.

Your science teacher may have told you that oil was formed from the remains of plant and animal life that died millions of years ago. That was always a theory, never a proven fact.

The textbooks that base their lessons on that "conventional wisdom" can be tossed into the ash heap, as far as Smith and Corsi are concerned. They have studied the late Professor Thomas Gold's finding that oil is "a primordial material that the earth forms and exudes on a continual basis," and is "pushed upward toward the earth's surface by the intense pressures of the earth's core and the influence of centrifugal force that the earth [exerts] upon the specific gravity of oil as a fluid substance."

And guess what. As a result, "new and gigantic oil fields are being discovered at an increasing rate in places the fossil fuel theory would never have been predicted as possible," say Smith and Corsi.

The authors quote from Professor Gold's book The Deep Hot Biosphere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels. They explore Gold's own background and career and find that he has come up with other scientific theories which at first were rejected by the scientific community, but later were found to be valid.

Oil conservation? Government regulation forcing more conservation (presumably based on the assumption that we are too stupid to know or do what is good for us)? Well, as Ronald Reagan said back in Jimmy Carter's freeze-in-the-dark days of the late seventies, "It is not a program to say, 'Use less energy.'"

Wind power? Solar power? Hydrogen cars? Black Gold Stranglehold shows that none of those alternative fuels has worked to date. Yet that doesn't stop "the environmental crowd," whose "underlying agenda is a political agenda. No true-believing fossil-fuel theorist or global-warming alarmist is going to be dissuaded from the cause by scientific or behavior evidence to the contrary."

Smith and Corsi include an entire 33-page chapter aptly headlined "The Global Warming Hoax." The junk science behind the "global warming" fear-mongering "is one of the major political themes of the anti-oil forces that are gaining strength on the political left," which has joined the fringe environmentalist movement to push a "radical agenda." That agenda, the authors warn, "is also not only anti-oil, it is anti-industry, judging from what the radical environmentalists do, not just what they say."

Now as to the illegal aliens connection: More and more illegal immigrants are streaming over the border -- encouraged by those politicians who see them as future voters, and by businesses happy to use them as cheap labor. The end result is bound to be demographics that portend a turn to the political left. But there are implications even more damaging than that.

That very phenomenon is one of the more disturbing parts of Black Gold Stranglehold.

It is not just that a disproportionate share of the illegals have criminal records and end up committing murders, assaults, robberies, and other serious crimes. Even more alarming is that mixed in with the new lawbreaking arrivals from Mexico is "an increasing number" from "Middle Eastern countries with terrorist connections. U.S. Border patrol officers are overwhelmed, they lack sufficient resources and do not have the determined support of the federal government."

And why is "determined support" from Washington not forthcoming? Smith and Corsi pinpoint oil as a major factor.

Mexico has the third-largest proven reservoirs of crude oil in the Western Hemisphere -- behind Venezuela (dominated by the America-hating pro-communist Hugo Chavez) and the United States. Any crackdown on illegal immigrants, according to authors Smith and Corsi, "would have an immediate [negative] impact on Mexico."

Illegal immigrants send about $17 billion a year back home to families in Mexico. The result: "As a hedge against instability in the Middle East, the U.S. government has to calculate our oil needs when considering any steps we take regarding Mexico or illegal immigrants." What if one of the Middle East cutthroats or a so-called "ally" over there cuts off its exports of oil to us when the chips are down? That is the frightening story behind government inaction on illegal immigration. It dwarfs the other considerations (i.e. cheap labor and future voters). The oil factor is conspicuous by its absence in the public dialogue over our porous borders. (Mexico's threatened instability and/or insurrection following its recent presidential election adds even more urgency to the problem.)

Smith and Corsi have performed a great service by including the Mexico factor in their book. It is not new. The oil connection has been known for sometime, but you will usually search in vain for any prominent mention of it in the media. If you've been scratching your head and wondering about the puzzling bipartisan inaction or wrong actions by smart politicians on border security, this could be your answer. It really gets to the Stranglehold part of this book. Third World nations and terrorists appear to have us by the throat.

And while I'm at it, who is co-author Craig R. Smith?  Well, he's got a website.  Among his many proud pronouncements there is this:

According to David Bradshaw, Swissamerica.com editor, "Craig Smith is street smart, yet spiritually driven. His goal is the integration of godly principles into our daily priorities, allowing the spiritual, business and personal side of life to all fall into God's order. This perspective enables him tell the truth about money, stewardship and ethics."

It's a great approach, folks, one that would make any 10-year old proud:  Don't want there to be an oil shortage?  Well then, there isn't.  Don't like global warming?  Well then, the globe isn't.  Don't like a Democratic candidate for president?  Well then, the candidate isn't.

And these guys claim to have big time educations, and work in the business world.  That's pretty reassuring.

In fact, I think I'm going to integrate godly principles into my daily priorities, allowing the spiritual, business and personal side of my life to all fall into God's order. I'm calling it a night.