Quote of the day:
By Lee Russ
Thursday, October 19, 2006 at 08:43 PM
She was not, uh, in, she, I, I don't, uh you know, like I said, uh, she might have been tipsy. Uh, she didn't walk in a straight line. That's for sure. Cause she, you know, bump into ya when you're walking along and, you know, I didn't think anything of that. And just helping this lady, and that was all.Jim Gibbons, Republican Congressman from Nevada and candidate for Governor of that state, describing to police his version of an encounter with a woman who claims that Gibbons, after flirting with her in a Las Vegas restaurant, "grabbed her, shoved her against a wall and threatened her in a Las Vegas parking garage after she rebuffed his advances ."
[And I didn't even put him on my list of Immoral Republican exemplars]