A Peace Movement Victory Against Drone Warfare

In his weekly online column for the National Catholic Reporter, Fr. John Dear has a wonderful piece about what transpired in court last week when he and 13 others stood trial for protesting the use of drones last year at Creech Air Force Base, outside of Las Vegas.

Ranking Corporations for Open Source Support

Adam Williamson has a good series of "controversial crap" over on his blog, mainly discussing things related to the recent Red Hat/Canonical kerfuffle (but there are some other interesting bits as well). In his clarification post, this bit caught my attention: The reason I don't complain much about Microsoft or Apple or Google is that I pretty much consider them lost causes.

Google Updates Image Search, Angers Webmasters

Recently Google announced an update to its Google Image Search product to improve its UI and make it more useful. However, the UI seems to have been greeted with mixed reviews. In addition to some noting the similarities between the new search and Bing's offering, the response to it has been split with some users hating it and others loving it. Webmasters, however, have also been chiming in and their opinion seems much more negative.

Beyond Affiliates -- Building Channel Sales

As a business owner, I can't tell you how often I get approached with the opportunity to make an extra buck or two on affiliate revenue. If I will just use my clout to hock their wares, they'll pay me money. And, after all, as long as someone pays me money I'm motivated to do it ... right? Wrong.

How to Find the Best Online Colleges

Recently my younger brother got his bachelors degree from an online college. Because he was working a full-time job and married with three children, an online institution gave him the perfect solution to furthering his education within his time-crunched life.

If You're an Entrepreneur, You Don’t Blame Others

This might be obvious to you, but during some recent conversations I noticed one thing over and over again: Freelancers, and entrepreneurs, don't blame others. If something bad happens to you and your impulse is to blame someone else (client! colleague! bank! landlord!) for the injustice, then maybe you shouldn't work as an independent.

There's an App for That

Today, I had an epiphany. I've had my new HTC Desire for about two weeks. It's a very nice Android phone, looks awesome, and for the most part it's a delight to use. I have, however, been cursing the difficulty of text input.

RIM Should Protect Governments Against Themselves

Several countries in the Middle East have threatened to ban the BlackBerry service because it enables citizens to have secret conversations and peruse the web with privacy. This will be the start of a test of RIM's commitment to maintaining a global secure email service. However, governments should be careful what they wish for.

Quiet, Please! I'm Eating.

I haven't been to many libraries in my life but it seems that the more modern libraries nowadays are embracing a new concept; one where food, drinks and chit chat are allowed in designated areas. It gives the feel of a coffee shop, and I think that's where Li-bra-ry got the ideas for their shop from.

WWE: Ricky Steamboat: The Life Story of the Dragon DVD Review

In WWE, Ricky Steamboat was never a main event superstar—up until WrestleMania 25 most fans only remembered his WrestleMania III match and some only knew that he came out with a pet dragon and breathes fire. Thanks to his outstanding performance at WrestleMania two years ago and his brief feud with current WWE superstar Chris Jericho, interest developed enough in Steamboat for WWE to release a three-disc DVD set that not only includes some of his most memorable WWE, NWA and wCw matches but a documentary on his career.